Rows of pieces:

Columns of pieces:

Change background color:


     Enter the number of rows and columns (each must be between 1 and 16) you want your puzzle to have, then upload an image. Press "Make a Puzzle!" to generate the puzzle.
Click and drag to move the puzzle pieces. If two puzzle pieces that go with each other are moved next to each other and aren't currently being dragged, they will snap into place.
Click "Show Complete Image" to see the photo you uploaded. You can drag it around. Click outside of the image to close it and resume working on the puzzle. Click the "Change Background Color" button at any time to select a color for the "puzzle mat."
While you're working on a puzzle, click "Save Puzzle" to save the image, piece shapes, piece positions, and background color to your cookies. Then, you can click "Load last saved puzzle" to restore the puzzle. Some images are too large to store, in which case you will have to re-upload your image before clicking "Load last saved puzzle". You will be notified if this is the case when you save.


1.4.0 07/25/2020

Added saving the puzzle

1.3.1 07/23/2020

Added change background color button

1.3.0 06/19/2020

Added confetti and "Congratulations!" message

1.2.3 06/19/2020

Puzzle pieces can't fully leave canvas. r & c inputted by user

1.2.2 06/19/2020

Bug fix: inward knobs no longer occasionally overlap

1.2.1 06/19/2020

Multiple possible knob shapes

1.2.0 06/18/2020

Switched the way knobs are added. Now knobs have random position. Also got rid of more white lines.

1.1.1 06/17/2020

Pieces can know be picked up by their knobs and not by places where they have holes. Got rid of the white band on the bottom of the puzzle (now crop image to be divisible by r and c)

1.1.0 06/17/2020

Pieces are now "puzzle piece" shaped (rectangles with knobs going in and out that match up when the pieces click together).

1.0.3 06/17/2020

Canvas size based on window

1.0.2 06/17/2020

Puzzle pieces start in the center and scatter

1.0.1 06/17/2020

Image automatically resized to keep proportions, but not have height greater than 80% of canvas height or width greater than 80% of canvas width.

1.0.0 06/17/2020

Image split into r*c movable pieces that "click" together. When you have finished the puzzle, celebratory text displays on the screen.

0.1.0 06/16/2020

Uploaded image gets split into r*c draggable, rectangular pieces.